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宇宙人对宇宙人 《行星维达》开启事前登录

Cosmic people of universe "planet Vader" open pre registered

2015-07-16 12:39:25来源: 4399

《行星维达(プラネットベイダー)》是一款以宇宙人之间的战争为中心的moba类游戏新作,游戏中,玩家将率领己方的外星人部队与对方战个你死我活。 下面先来看一段游戏的宣传视频。 游戏中可以选择形形色色的各类外星人,通过各式各样的技能来将敌人击垮敌方,赢得胜利。 这么可爱的MOBA游戏你...

"planetary Vader (industry Kara -, and Vespa and,)" is a center of MoBa new game between cosmic people in the war, game, players will lead alien forces of the Allied war with each other a life and death. Below first look at a video of the game. Game can choose all kinds of aliens, through a variety of skills to the enemy to defeat the enemy, to win. So cute MOBA game you...