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《辐射4》国内今日开启预售 只要199

The radiation 4 "domestic open today pre-sale as long as Sina 199

2015-07-16 08:54:17来源: 新浪

随着酷暑的到来,大多数玩家已经放弃了出门,开始体验起清凉的蜗居生活。为了让大家的蜗居更加惬意、不再寂寞,身为玩家好伙伴、粉丝好基友的杉果游戏也来大发福利,向正在忍受着酷暑的果粉们献上一份夏日的祝福、游戏的贺礼,这就是精彩不容错过的暑期大促销,杉果全场大放“价”。 值得一提的是,在暑促...

with the arrival of summer, most players have dropped out and began to experience the cool dwelling life. In order to let everyone's dwelling more comfortable, no longer lonely, for players and fans based friends of cedar fruit game to welfare, to endure the heat of Apple fans offer a summer wishes, the game's gift, it is best not to be missed the summer big sales promotion, cedar fruit audience on "price". It is worth mentioning that, in the summer promotion...