新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《妖精的尾巴》正版IP花落DeNA 将推出正版手游

《妖精的尾巴》正版IP花落DeNA 将推出正版手游

The fairy tail "genuine IP flowers falling Dena will launch a genuine hand travel

2015-07-16 08:22:04来源: 4399

DeNA获得《妖精的尾巴》正版IP授权,后续将推出这部超人气日漫在国内的第一款正版手游作品《妖精的尾巴:启程》。《妖精的尾巴》是由漫画家真岛浩创作的长篇魔法题材漫画,在日本动漫界拥有举足轻重的地位, DeNA此番大动作相信会让国内众多妖尾粉欣喜不已! ▍正版IP授权 在一系列正版授权...

DeNA" fairy tail "genuine IP to obtain authorization, the follow-up will launch the super popular manga in domestic the first genuine works hand tour of the fairy tail: departure". The fairy tail "is by the creation of cartoonist Hiro mashima long magic comic theme, in the Japanese animation industry has a pivotal position, Dena overwhelmed believe will make domestic numerous demon tail powder delight!'s genuine IP authorization in a series of legal authorization.

标签: 手游