新关注 > 信息聚合 > 二周目新要素可以有 《巫师3》社区主管回应玩家

二周目新要素可以有 《巫师3》社区主管回应玩家

The second week of new elements can have "Wizard" community are competent to respond player Sina

2015-07-15 21:34:33来源: 新浪

规模巨大的《巫师3》仍然没有满足自己的成就,CD Projekt RED制作组目前仍在每周发行全新的DLC以及更新补丁,可谓业界良心。 在公布最新DLC以及新补丁之后,《巫师3》的粉丝们在讨论下一步能否为本作加上全新的“通关后新增模式”,以此让玩家在多周目的体验更加给力。上周制作组成...

huge the wizard 3 "still does not meet the their achievements, CD Projekt red production team is still in the weekly issued new DLC and updates, described the industry conscience. After the announcement of the new DLC and the new patch, "the wizard" 3 fans in the discussion for the next step can be coupled with the new "new customs clearance mode", in order to let the game player in a multi week experience more awesome. Last week made the composition...

标签: 玩家