新关注 > 信息聚合 > 重塑大圣归来《横行冒险王》女版西游原画颠覆首曝


Remodeling Mahatma return the rampant adventure king "female version of journey to the west the original subversion of the first exposure

2015-07-15 17:15:11来源: 不凡游戏网


first horizontal version of the fighting hand travel the rampant adventure king" in the growing homogenization of the China travel market, with a number of innovative elements capture many travel enthusiasts. Blindly imitate difficult to get in good taste, only to break the tradition is the shortcut to success. Just as the king returned recently, by virtue of the subversion of the traditional west plot and exquisite quality pocketed the eye. The "king of adventure" rampant is also based on the traditional journey on the bold innovation, with South Korea's top division to a powerful and unconstrained style...