新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2015CJ展 完美世界人气模特抢鲜看

2015CJ展 完美世界人气模特抢鲜看

2015CJ show perfect world popular model prerelease see

2015-07-14 17:23:10来源: 爱拍游戏

2015ChinaJoy 完美世界人气ShowGirl抢鲜看 万众期待,一年一度的ChinaJoy火热来袭,这个夏日众多等待已久厂商、媒体、玩家将于7月30日至8月2日汇聚上海新国际博览中心,属于游戏迷动漫迷摄影迷的超级轰趴即将开始! 进入2015年,完美世界推出全新游戏主题“完美新...

2015ChinaJoy perfect world popular showgirl prerelease see the much anticipated, annual ChinaJoy hot hits, this summer many long-awaited manufacturers, media, players will from July 30 to August 2 gathered on the Shanghai New International Expo Center, belonging to the fans of the game dynamic Manmi photographic fans of super party is about to begin! Into 2015, the perfect world launched a new game theme "perfect new...

标签: 完美世界