新关注 > 信息聚合 > 拒绝“五毛钱特效”《暴走亚瑟王》今日安卓封测


Refused to "five cents effects" sorcerer King Arthur "today Ann Zhuo beta

2015-07-14 10:54:52来源: 任玩堂

3D 飞行空战动作手游《暴走亚瑟王》于今日上午 11:00 准时启动安卓版封测,超惊艳飞行空战玩法和酸爽无比的特效打击感,将摒弃现如今比比皆是粗制滥造的“五毛钱特效”,铸造新传奇。 飞行空战玩法是《暴走亚瑟王》颠覆目前市场上平庸的 ARPG 手游之作的创新法宝。大多数 ARPG 手游中...

3D combat flying moves in the travel sorcerer King Arthur" in this morning 11:00 start on time, the beta version of Android, super stunning flight combat gameplay and acid very cool special effects against flu, will abandon now abound shoddy "five cents effects", casting a new legend. The flight of air combat game is "King Arthur" subversive innovation go ballistic weapon market Mobile Games mediocre ARPG for now. Most ARPG hand travel...

标签: 安卓