新关注 > 信息聚合 > 花千骨手游翅膀怎么获得呢 翅膀有什么用

花千骨手游翅膀怎么获得呢 翅膀有什么用

Spend thousands of bone of hand travel wings how to obtain it wings are what

2015-07-13 14:16:59来源: 4399

Q:花千骨手游翅膀怎么获得呢?花千骨手游翅膀有什么作用呢? A:在花千骨手游中,翅膀不仅是身份的象征,对于战斗力的提升也是有着至关重要的作用,一起来看看吧! 目前只有充值才能获得翅膀。 品质最好的翅膀为30,需要充值20000RMB(Vip10级)才能获得。 品质25的翅膀,需要...

Q: spend thousands of bone of hand travel wings how to obtain it? Spend thousands of bone of hand travel wings what effect is there?? A: in the flower thousands of bone of hand travel, wings not only is a status symbol, to enhance the combat effectiveness of the also has a vital important role, together and see it! The only recharge can get the wings. The best quality of the wings is 30, the need to recharge 20000RMB (Vip10) to get. Quality 25 wings, need...

标签: 手游