新关注 > 信息聚合 > 不止魔兽争霸 盘点18部正在制作中的游戏电影

不止魔兽争霸 盘点18部正在制作中的游戏电影

More than Warcraft inventory 18 is making the game film

2015-07-10 16:55:47来源: 新浪

近几年游戏改编电影热潮再度掀起,相信不少玩家都在期待《魔兽争霸》吧?其实除了魔兽以外,还有更多的游戏大作电影正在筹划和制作当中。国外媒体gamespot盘点了共18部未来或上映的游戏电影,你最期待哪一部? 神秘海域(Uncharted) 顽皮狗经典游戏系列公布改编电影已经有一段时间...

in recent years, the film adaptation of the game boom set off again, I believe that many players in anticipation of the Warcraft? In fact, in addition to Warcraft, there are more games for the film is being planned and produced. Foreign media gamespot inventory of a total of 18 future or the release of the game, which you most expect? Mysterious waters (Uncharted) naughty dog classic game series has been released for a period of time...

标签: 游戏 电影