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卜柯文加盟魔范学院 为玩家量身定制代言服装

Bukewen join magic fan, tailored to the player endorsements fashion apparel

2015-07-10 17:26:35来源: 时尚中国网

近日,范爷御用造型师卜柯文宣布加盟手游魔范学院,出任游戏造型设计师,旗下品牌“Chris by Christopher Bu”的时尚设计理念将植入游戏。据最新消息称,卜柯文将携手该厂商启动魔范学院时尚人生计划,通过网络海选的方式征集3名幸运玩家,为其量身打造3款时尚创意服饰,卜柯文称这次...

recently, Fan Ye Queen's stylist bukewen announced to join the tour magic school van, served as game designers, its brand "Chris by Christopher bu" fashion design concept into the game. According to the latest news, bukewen will join the manufacturers start magic fan of fashion life plan, through online auditions collecting three lucky players, for its quantity body to create fashion creative costume, Bu Ke Wen called the...

标签: 玩家