新关注 > 信息聚合 > 奇迹暖暖毕业季晒同桌“同桌的你”有奖大征集


Miracle warm graduation season drying my deskmate deskmate you "award a large collection of

2015-07-10 11:17:06来源: 4399

你的同桌是什么样子的呢?Ta是上铺爱吃零食的吃货舍友,还是一起放学回家的竹马邻居?是扎着高马尾的活泼女生,还是阳光运动的大男孩呢?是分数超高的智慧型学霸,还是一起疯狂啃书的小伙伴呢? 又是一年毕业季,下一个学期,你的同桌还坐在你旁边吗?现在到4399手游官方微信参与《奇迹暖暖》“同桌的...

your deskmate is what appearance?? TA is spread love to eat snacks eat roommates, or together with the school home of the Chikuma neighbors? Is tied in a high ponytail and lively girl, or movement of the sun for the male child?? is ultra high fraction of wisdom school tyrants, together or mad kenshu small partners? Is a year of graduation season, the next semester, you sit at the same table sat beside you? Now to 4399 Mobile Games official micro channel involved in the" miracle of the warm, "" sit at the same table.