新关注 > 信息聚合 > 让动作超越想象《黑夜传说》打造全民动作盛宴


To make an action beyond imagination and legend of the night to create national action feast

2015-07-10 13:41:45来源: 不凡游戏网

最极致的动作、最不可以思议的想象,诠释最爽快的打斗!人气明星佟丽娅极力推荐的3D动作手游《黑夜传说之狼人归来》让一切动作超越你的想象!击飞浮空的设定、真人捕捉技术的引进,超炫连招多段连斩、一击必杀超爽快感,打造全民动作盛宴! 让动作超越极限,人人都是战斗之王 只要不断的挑战和不断...

the ultimate action, most can't incredible imagination, interpretation of the most readily fight! Popular star Liyan Tong strongly recommended 3D action hand tour of the legendary night legend of the return of the wolf, so that everything moves beyond your imagination! Hit a fly floating set, live capture technology introduced, stunning even strokes segments even cut, one hit kill ultra cool pleasure, to create a universal feast of action! So that the action beyond the limit, everyone is the king of fighting as long as the constant challenge and constant...