新关注 > 信息聚合 > 外媒统计史上最卖座游戏 CF、DNF均上榜

外媒统计史上最卖座游戏 CF、DNF均上榜

Foreign media statistics in the history of the highest grossing game CF, DNF are on the list

2015-07-10 10:08:29来源: 17173

可能你认为史上最卖座的游戏应该为《GTA》《光晕》《塞尔达传说》之类的3A大作,可惜根据Encyclopedia Gamia收集整理的史上最卖座游戏数据(利润收入最高),以上游戏就连最卖座游戏的前25名也没进入。你也一定很难以相信,其实史上最卖座的游戏竟然是《太空入侵者》这样一款街机 游...

may do you think in the history of the highest grossing game should be like the legend of Zelda 3A for the GTA halo ', but according to the Encyclopedia Gamia collect finishing in the history of the highest grossing game data (profits) was the highest, the game more than is even the highest grossing game of the top 25 did not enter the. You must be very hard to believe, in fact, the history of the most popular game is actually "Space Invaders" such a amusement arcade...

标签: DNF CF