新关注 > 信息聚合 > 革新对战体验 3D动作MOBA《无尽战区》初试玩

革新对战体验 3D动作MOBA《无尽战区》初试玩

Innovation battle experience in preliminary examination of 3D action MoBa "endless war" play

2015-07-10 01:33:32来源: 178游戏网

【本文由178新游戏频道原创 转载请注明出处】 对于这款看起来动作华丽且有趣的全新MOBA我一直是挺期待的,因此,在这之前我收集了很多关于这款游戏的信息并整理了一篇前瞻内容(连接>>)。在其中大家能看到很多创新的系统以及搞笑的环节,而《无尽战区》也于今天(9日)正式开启了燃情首测。尽...

[this by 178 new game channel original reproduced please indicate the source] for this looks gorgeous action and interesting new MoBa I have been quite looking forward to the. Therefore, before that I collected a lot of information about this game and organize the content of a prospective (connection "). In which you can see a lot of innovation system and funny link, and the endless war zone in today (9 days) officially opened the legends of the first test. As far as...