新关注 > 信息聚合 > 姚仙称对仙剑6很满意 全特效需至少4G内存

姚仙称对仙剑6很满意 全特效需至少4G内存

Yao Xiancheng legend 6 is satisfied with the full effects of need at least 4G memory

2015-07-10 00:21:25来源: 新浪


"Paladin 6" on July 8, landing on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, as the legend of the home of Taiwan also launched a grand "Paladin 6" release event, although less than, the legend of the night ", in enthusiastic players is the same, after the press conference, father of fairy sword Yao Zhuang constitution accepted Taiwan media group visit, when it comes to the paladin pass 6" is rich and expand, move more different areas the player's mission, to push the "Paladin 6" future DLC.