新关注 > 信息聚合 > 冰封美人谁来拯救 全新策略卡牌《美人无双》 iO..

冰封美人谁来拯救 全新策略卡牌《美人无双》 iO..

Frozen beauty who is going to save a new strategy card "matchless beauty" brand iO..

2015-07-09 14:34:53来源: 不凡游戏网

三千佳丽,指点江山,最终谁能运筹帷幄决胜千里?由飞鱼科技自主研发与运营的全新策略卡牌手游《美人无双》将于7月22日开启iOS公测。目前,《美人无双》手游iOS预约入口已率先开启,参与“冰封美人 谁来拯救”互动并成功预约的玩家,不仅能在第一时间体验游戏,还有机会免费赢取iPhone6、超值...

thousand contestants, pointing Jiangshan, final who can strategist, winning thousands of miles? A new strategy of technology independent research and development and operation of the "unique" beauty card Mobile Games will open beta on July 22nd iOS. At present, the beauty unparalleled "tour IOS an appointment entry have been the first to open, in" icy beauty who come to the rescue "player interaction and successful appointment, not only to experience the game in the first time, and the opportunity to win a free iphone6, value for money.