新关注 > 信息聚合 > 战斗民族的国家队 实力不可小觑的VP战队

战斗民族的国家队 实力不可小觑的VP战队

Swim fighting ethnic national team underestimated the strength of the VP team

2015-07-09 14:34:53来源: 游久网

一、崛起的独联体势力代表VP 从最近各大比赛的成绩来看,TI5前夕的世界DOTA格局是欧美争霸,秘密EG两个怪物如同TI3前后AV两队一般掐得飞起,秘密等于A队,EG等于NAVI,EG和NAVI一样略显弱势,而西恩队只能在旁边打酱油,而旁边有个酱油打的稍微比西恩势力好的,那就是俄罗斯...

a, the rise of CIS forces on behalf of VP from the point of view of recent major tournament results and ti5 on the eve of world dota pattern is Europe and the United States hegemony, secret eg two monsters like Ti3 before and after AV teams generally chokes to fly, the secret is equal to a team, eg equals Navi, eg and Navi as slightly weaker, and Sean team only in the next dozen of soy sauce, and next to a dozen of soy sauce is slightly better than Sean forces, that Russia...