新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《狂野星球》前制作人加入魔兽团队


"Wild Planet" ex producer joining of Warcraft team

2015-07-09 11:46:01来源: 07073游戏网

暴雪近期邀请了前《荒野星球》的设计人员Stephan Frost作为《魔兽世界》的设计制作人。据了解,这名制作人曾在《荒野星球》工作室Carbine Studios工作了4年的时间,另外还为亚马逊公司工作过几个月的时间,可以说这次他的到来能为暴雪带来许多的人物设计和理念设计的经验。 ...

blizzard in the near future invited former wildstar designer Stephan frost as a "world of Warcraft" design producer. It is understood that the producer had worked for 4 years in the wilderness planet Studios Carbine studio, and also worked for a Amazon Co for several months, it can be said that this time his arrival could bring a lot of experience in the design and concept design of blizzard. ...