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大话西游手游职业介绍 八大角色属性详细解析

Westward Journey tour career the eight character attributes are analyzed in detail

2015-07-09 10:27:28来源: TechWeb

大话西游手游中目前曝光了八大角色,那曝光的分别都是哪些角色?这些角色的属性如何呢?下面小编就给大家介绍八大角色的属性,一起来了解下吧。 本次首曝的人物角色涵盖了游戏中人魔仙鬼四大种族,逍遥生、夜溪灵、玄剑娥、狐美人、祭剑魂、俏千金、虎头怪、神天兵等八大人物角色,清新细致的美术风格,层次...

Westward Journey tour the exposure of the eight character, that exposure are what role? What are the attributes of the characters? The following small series to introduce the eight characters of the properties, a rise to understand it. The first exposure of the characters covering the game magic fairy ghost four races, free and unfettered, night Ling Xi, Xuan Jiane, fox beauty, offering soul Calibur, pretty daughter, strange tiger, God of the heavenly host, such as eight character roles, pure and fresh and meticulous style of art, the level...

标签: 手游 大话西游