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《武林外传》新版今日公测 Q版壁纸爆笑来袭

"Wulin rumored" version of the beta today Q version of wallpaper comedy hit

2015-07-09 10:47:50来源: 电玩巴士


introduction: "Wulin rumored" new version "and" July 9 Zhiyong beta! Debut in "Lv" as the prototype of the original characters of "Scholar" refined, new career breakthrough magic family's career choice boundaries, "regardless of race," the post philosophy for the first time, make choice more diversified; "soul Huiming snow Temple" copy of the senior play shock struck, save the soul of the divine snow and renew front; two innovative gameplay allows you to experience a different life, martial arts; seven...

标签: 壁纸