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今日不删档 天空之城五大颠覆玩法曝光

Today does not delete files in the sky city five subversive play exposure leads of

2015-07-08 14:14:25来源: 新浪

导语:今日,IMAX级3D变身动作网游《天空之城》不删档测试震撼开启。在这充满着未知的修真世界里,盛大的玄幻盛宴等你品尝!更有全新互动玩法、炫酷的变身战斗、激爽的热血PK、代入感十足的世界事件以及新颖的图鉴系统,让玩家在《天空之城》的游戏世界里,走向颠覆一切的修真之路! 【真实世界 ...

: today, IMAX 3D turned action games "sky city" does not delete files test shocked to open. Full of the unknown in the comprehension of the world, Shanda fantasy feast waiting for you to taste! More new interactive play, cool incarnations combat, zest blood PK, substitution feeling full of world events and novel illustrations system, allowing the player in the "sky city" of the game world, to subvert the comprehension of all! Real world...