新关注 > 信息聚合 > QQ浏览器新版本初体验 资深玩家试玩热门页游

QQ浏览器新版本初体验 资深玩家试玩热门页游

At the beginning of the new version of QQ browser experience hot senior player demo page tour

2015-07-08 15:19:33来源: IB资讯

手游资深玩家对好游戏的心得体验是:游戏要好玩,玩起来还要方便,就像那些让人百玩不厌的经典网页游戏一样。手机网页游戏太过于轻度了,不够玩,而且互动性太差。直到手机QQ浏览器6.0版推出热门页游,搭载了腾讯手机页游平台,顿时,玩家的手游观颠覆了…… 不要和我说那个手机端游好玩,这需要下载...

travel senior player of game experience is: game has to be fun, play more convenient, like those who make hundred play does not tire of the classic game of the page as. Mobile web game is too mild, not enough to play, but also very poor interactive. Until the 6 edition of the mobile phone QQ browser launched a popular page tour, equipped with a mobile phone Tencent mobile platform, suddenly, the player's hand travel concept has been subversive...... Don't talk to me that the mobile phone is fun, it needs to download...

标签: 玩家