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"Disney Magic Castle: 3DS games released to some time ago to my happy life 2" details of the public

2015-07-07 09:30:24来源: 电玩巴士

于前段时间公布的3DS游戏《迪士尼魔法城堡:我的快乐生活2》宣布将于2015年11月5日发售。本作以“梦的世界星光闪耀”为主题,将收录超过120名以上的迪士尼角色,3000种以上的道具。 游戏中除了包含前作中出现的“爱丽丝梦游仙境”和“小熊维尼”两个世界之外,本次加入了“冰雪奇缘”、...

"Disney Magic Castle: my happy life 2" announced on November 5, 2015 sale. This is the dream of the world star shine as the theme, will be collected more than 120 of the Disney role, more than 3000 kinds of props. The game in addition to the two world contains the first appeared in "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" and "Winnie the Pooh", this time joined the "snow romance,...