新关注 > 信息聚合 > 这些你都知道吗? 热血江湖2隐藏功能大起底

这些你都知道吗? 热血江湖2隐藏功能大起底

You know all this?? Yulgang 2 hidden function of Da Qidi

2015-07-06 17:12:19来源: 17173


17Game agents operating in the 3D elegant martial arts MMORPG "warm blooded rivers and lakes", adapted from South Korea namesake popular comic. "Yulgang" has rich back story of the game, and a wide range of gameplay, so that players in the game can enjoy the game brings all the fun for a long time, of course, the players also need to spend some time to savor. It is reported that the blood of rivers and lakes of the 2 will be open in the near future, today let us...