新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《酷跑奥特曼》来玩就送迪迦专属武器


The cool running Ultraman "play would send tiga exclusive weapon

2015-07-06 14:44:23来源: 不凡游戏网

七月,是属于快乐的;快乐,应该是轻松无忧的!《酷跑奥特曼》,轻松快乐的正确打开方式! 游戏中的“来玩就送迪迦专属武器”,是送给每一个热爱奥特曼的小粉丝们的见面礼。礼品发了两天,小伙伴们甚是欢喜。 从7月2日—7月8日,只要你来玩,就有礼物收! 活动期间登陆游戏,次日即可在活动页面点...

July is belong to a happy, happy, should is easy and carefree! "Cool running Altman", the right way to open a relaxed and happy! The game of "play would send D exclusive weapons", is for everyone who loves Ultraman small fans gift. Gifts sent for two days, small partners are very happy. From July 2nd to July 8th, as long as you play, there is a gift! Activity during the game, the next day you can at the event page...