新关注 > 信息聚合 > 奥比岛天使衣橱在哪


Obi Island wardrobe angel where

2015-07-04 17:52:44来源: 4399

奥比岛天使衣橱在哪?奥比岛天使衣橱怎么玩? 答:奥比岛天使衣橱在家族中心左侧的位置! 在活动期间,购买奥比岛天使衣橱魔力变装卡,输入卡包内的兑换码即可获得天使积分! 1个兑换码=100积分哦~积分可兑换限量绝版套装单件和道具,不要错过~ 活动截止日期:2016年3月31日 PS...

Obi Island wardrobe angel in? Obi Island Angel wardrobe how to play? Answer: Obi Island angel in the family on the left side of the center position of the wardrobe! During the event, the purchase of OBI Island card magic wardrobe angel costume, input card package exchange code to obtain the integral angel! A exchange code = 100 points Oh ~ integral convertible limited print set piece and props, don't miss ~ activity deadline: March 2016 31 PS...