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《武林外传》新版“文武双全” LOGO曝光

"Wulin rumored" exposure

2015-07-02 19:33:35来源: 新浪

完美世界旗下Q版3D网游巨作《武林外传》新版“文武双全”将于7月9日智勇公测!今日倍受关注的新版logo首次曝光!2015年度诚意之作的神秘面纱 逐步揭晓,新版“文武双全”首推原著剧情职业“书生”,首次实现“不分种族”的选职理念,让选择更加多元化!更有大型恶搞活动“我心中的书生”全平台爆...

perfect world's Q version of the 3D gaming masterpiece "Wulin rumored" version "and" will be on July 9, Zhiyong beta version of "Wenwushuangquan" logo. Today's new version of the logo is the first exposure! 2015 year invite applications for the mysterious veil gradually revealed, the new version of "Wenwushuangquan" devaluation of the original story career "Scholar", "regardless of race," the post philosophy for the first time, make choice more diversified. More large-scale activities spoof my heart "Scholar" full platform explosion...