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"Wulin rumored" version of "both the" new gang base

2015-07-02 18:58:44来源: 新浪

完美世界旗下Q版3D网游巨作《武林外传》新版“文武双全”将于7月9日智勇公测!同时,新增设帮派家园系统,家园以客栈建设的形式,会带来包括帮派日常、帮派副本等一系列崭新的玩法哦。今日小编为您揭晓一系列帮派基地的庐山真面目,快来看看吧! 帮派基地乐趣无穷 【众志成城 打造梦想家园】 ...

perfect for the world of its Q version of the 3D gaming masterpiece "Wulin rumored" version "and" will be on July 9, Zhiyong beta! At the same time, the new set up a faction of the home system, home to the inn building form, will bring a series of new games, including the daily, gang copy, etc.. Today, a series of small series for you announced a series of Mount Lu really face, come and see it! Gang base fun [] Our wills unite like a fortress. dream homes...