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日渐流行的18禁成人网游 真福利还是无节操噱头?

The growing popularity of 18 adult games really ban on welfare or unchaste gimmick?

2015-07-02 18:30:07来源: 新浪

新浪游戏讯 在街机时代,有这么一位名为“不知火舞”的经典人物。当年的画面全部是马赛克,十分模糊,甚至连人物五官都分不清楚。不知火舞的技能算不上华丽,用起来也不是特别厉害,但她却红遍了全球。 原因是,在游戏中不知火舞总是顶着两个“非人哉”的水球,露出白花花的大腿,身上几乎无几块布料的她...

games in the arcade era, there is a called "Mai" classic characters. The picture of the year was mosaic, very vague, and even the characters are not clear. Mai's skill is not gorgeous, it is also not very serious, but she is very popular in the world. The reason is that in the game don't know Huowu always wore two "inhuman Zai" water polo, exposing the shining white thighs, almost any piece of cloth of her...

标签: 网游