新关注 > 信息聚合 > 数字说游戏:6月共53款网游测试 知名作品层出不穷

数字说游戏:6月共53款网游测试 知名作品层出不穷

Digital said game: June a total of 53 online games test of well-known works emerge in an endless stream

2015-07-01 17:08:37来源: 新浪

6月过去了,2015年只剩下一半的时间,年初时大家定下的计划是否也实现了一半呢?不管怎么说6月对某些人来说是一个挺开心的月份,比如说高三党们终于获得了短暂的解放(千万别被“高考之后就自由”给骗了啊),比如说值得游戏党们朝圣或者精神朝圣一番的E3大展…… 本月共有53款游戏测试,经历了...

6 months, 2015, only half of the time, the plan at the beginning of the year when everyone is also achieve the half? No matter how to say 6 months for some people it is a very happy in, for example, middle party finally won the short Liberation (don't be "after the college entrance examination will be free" to cheat ah), for instance, worth Game Party pilgrimage or spiritual pilgrimage to some of the E3...... This month, a total of 53 games testing, experienced...

标签: 游戏 网游