新关注 > 信息聚合 > 绿岸七周年庆 新蜀门新服10日盛大开启

绿岸七周年庆 新蜀门新服10日盛大开启

Green bank the seventh anniversary of the Qing "new clothes on the 10th grand opening

2015-07-02 01:12:13来源: 新浪

喜迎绿岸七周年庆,《新蜀门》年度资料片“双面武侠”震撼上线,新版新服将于10日开启,与绿岸同庆。新玩法,引领新时代新武侠。一端双切玩法能够让玩家随时随地的切换自己喜爱的人物版本模型,除此之外,更有全新的时装搭配玩法、副本爆率大幅提升以及游戏运行质量提高等全新游戏模块,绝对让你大呼过瘾。 ...

celebrate the green bank's seventh anniversary celebration, the" "annual data sheet double martial arts" shock on-line, the version of the new service will be open on the 10th, and green bank celebration. New play, leading the new era of new martial arts. End cut double play can let players anywhere, at any time, switching to his favorite character version model. In addition, more new fashion collocation gameplay, copy of theburst rate increased dramatically and game operation quality improvement, new game module, absolutely let you hooked. ...