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《十字召唤师》公测在即 12校花陪你畅游日本

The call of cross division "beta 12 beauty soon accompany you tour in Japan

2015-07-01 14:59:50来源: 4399

日本原装引进的二次元题材RPG动作格斗手游《十字召唤师》将于7月9日开启正式公测,届时将会同步开启ACG圣战活动,更有湖南经视签约12大国民青春校花倾情加盟,还有机会和花样女神同游日本享受海岛风光。 更多新游资讯,尽在4399新游频道 ▌轻度推广 辐射二次元人群 020热潮来袭,手...

Japan original introduction of two dimensional RPG genre action combat Tour" cross Summoner "will be on July 9 open beta officially, then it will open ACG jihadist activity, more Hunan ETV signed 12 national youth beauty portrait of joining, and opportunities and figure of the goddess with the tour to Japan enjoy island scenery. More new information, as in the 4399 tour of the new channel mild promotion of radiation two dimensional 020 population boom struck, hand...