新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《英雄之战》手游7月1日开测 新版玩法前瞻

《英雄之战》手游7月1日开测 新版玩法前瞻

"The hero of the battle" tour started on July 1, open test version of the play forward

2015-06-30 18:40:09来源: 4399

功夫巨星吴京首个代言作品《英雄之战》,将于7月1日开启不限号删档封测。届时玩家可以前去各大安卓和IOS越狱平台下载体验,2015殿堂级动作手游,与吴京一起体验拳拳到肉真竞技,尽在《英雄之战》! 更多新游资讯,尽在4399新游频道 ———华丽的分割线,广告结束,精彩继续——— ▍二测...

kung fu star Wu Jing first endorsements work "hero of war", on July 1, open is not restricted the number of deleted files in the beta. When players can went to the Android and IOS jailbreak platform download experience, 2015 Chanticleer moves in the travel, and Wujing together to experience the sincere to the meat really competitive, as in the "battle of the heroes"! More new information, as in the 4399 New Travel Channel -- gorgeous dividing line, the end of an ad, wonderful to --'s second test...

标签: 手游