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梦幻西游手游前尘旧梦第十三章攻略 第13章13-4、..

Fantasy Westward Journey tour in the hands of a rich challenge play fantasy journey travel dreams, Cheng pulls Chapter 13 Raiders Chapter 13 13-4,..

2015-06-30 16:34:43来源: 4399

前尘旧梦是梦幻西游手游里一项富含挑战的玩法,玩家达到80级后,即可开启第十三章的关卡进行挑战,不仅难度不高,而且奖励丰厚。一起和4399挽歌来看看梦幻西游手游前尘旧梦第十三章攻略,看看13-4、13-5怎么杀~ 第十三章 【战斗配置推荐】 由于本章战斗难度普遍比较低,所以和12章一...

Vita dreams. After the player reaches level 80, can open Chapter 13 levels to challenge, not only the difficulty is not high and rewarding. Together and 4399 elegy to see Fantasy Westward Journey Travel dreams, Cheng pulls the thirteenth chapter introduction, see 13-4, 13-5 how to kill ~ Chapter 13 [combat configuration recommended] because this chapter combat difficulty generally relatively low, so Chapter 12 A...

标签: 手游 梦幻西游