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细腻日漫画风 《阿修罗之眼》颜值爆表

Delicate Japanese comic style "eye of the Asura" Yan value burst table

2015-06-30 16:00:36来源: 多玩游戏

在这个拼颜值的时代,不只谈恋爱面试要看脸,买手机也要看颜值,就连手游行业也开始纷纷拼颜值,一款游戏开发技术再牛,也抵不住玩家对游戏颜值的追求!热血日漫格斗手游《阿修罗之眼》细腻唯美的画风,跌宕起伏的剧情,简直是重度颜控玩家们的最爱。游戏自上线以来,服务器加开不断,好评连连。 日本动漫...

spell color values in this era, not just talk about love interview to see the face, buy a mobile phone to see Yan value, even travel industry also began to have to fight Yan value, a game development technology, and then cattle, could not resist the play home games Yan value pursuit! Blood, aimless fighting Tour "eye of the Asura" delicate and beautiful style, plot the ups and downs of the is simply severe color control the favorite players. Since the on-line game server, additional time, praise again and again. Japanese anime...