新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《职业棒球:家庭竞技场》将于10月登陆3DS


The professional baseball: family arena "will be on October landing 3DS

2015-06-30 20:19:54来源: 电玩巴士

《职业棒球:家庭竞技场》在阔别4年后将在10月与各位玩家重新见面,预计发售日为2015年10月8日,售价为5690日元。 本作与系列前作相比在游戏模式上大幅进化,采用了2015年的最新数据,收录选手人数在500人以上。游戏强化了网络要素,可以在线进行对战并查看自己的排名。此外还加入了...

" of professional baseball: Home arena, after an absence of four years will be in October and all the players met again, is expected to be released on 8 October 2015, priced at $5690 yen. This is a series of pre - compared with the game mode on the substantial evolution, the use of the latest data in 2015, the number of players included in more than 500. Games to strengthen the elements of the network, you can play online and check their rankings. Also joined the...