新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《少年三国志》新手开服7天活动完美攻略


The boy of the Three Kingdoms novice open service seven days activities perfect Raiders

2015-06-30 18:27:59来源: TechWeb

开服第一天 少年三国志在开服有一个7天活动,不仅活动多而且奖励非常丰厚,如果你在这7天能够拿到所有奖励绝对对以后的发展帮助很大,下面蚕豆网小编为大家带来了少年三国志新手开服7天完美攻略。 开号准备:首先鉴于第七天要达到50级,60W战力的最高要求,所以在这里,我建议大家充个V4或者V...

open service first day juvenile romance of the Three Kingdoms in the opening service has a seven day activities, activities not only and the award is very rich, if you in this 7 days to get all the rewards of absolute for the future development of help, broad bean on the following web Xiaobian for everyone to bring the juvenile romance of the Three Kingdoms novice open service strategy of 7 days of perfect. Open, ready to: first of all in view of the fact that the seventh day to reach level 50, 60W combat capability of the highest requirements, so here, I suggest you charge a V4 or V...