新关注 > 信息聚合 > 欧洲任天堂俱乐部新交换道具:蘑菇头队长台灯


European club Nintendo in exchange for new props: mushroom head captain lamp

2015-06-30 13:22:52来源: 电玩巴士

日前欧洲任天堂俱乐部再度更新了官网,公开了全新可兑换奖品的情报。本次登场的全新奖品是蘑菇头队长造型的台灯,其整体高度约为12cm,由ABS、透明ABS和PVC制作而成,而兑换该奖品则需要花费掉6000星。 日前官方也放出了该奖品的实物截图,下面就请玩家们一起来欣赏一下。

recently European club Nintendo again updated the official website, open the new convertible prizes of intelligence. The debut of the new prize is the mushroom head of the table lamp, the overall height of about 12cm, from ABS, transparent ABS and PVC production and into, and the exchange of the prize will need to spend 6000. A few days before the official release of the prize in kind of screenshots, the following please players together to enjoy.

标签: 任天堂