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不忘初心 《刀剑英雄》团队全曝光

Don't forget to early heart "sword hero" team full exposure

2015-06-30 16:00:36来源: 17173

7月4日,是国产经典竞技格斗网游《刀剑英雄》(畅游旗下)11岁生日,在这个日新月异的网游是世界,十一年意味着经典也意味着陈旧。要想突破陈旧自我,造就经典需要不懈地努力,更加需要千万稻米们十一年的不离不弃。 人生能有几个十一年?十一年之久是让刀剑成为稻米们也成为刀剑团队生命中最为重要的...

7 month 4th is domestic classic competitive fighting game "sword hero" (Tour's 11 year old birthday, in this ever-changing online is the world, eleven years means that classical also means that old. To break through the old self, to create a classic need to make unremitting efforts to more need to do rice had eleven years buchibuqi. Life can have a few eleven years? Eleven years is the most important in the life of the sword...