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劲舞团3首测完美落幕 直击婚礼现场

Audition first three measuring perfect ended today watch the wedding scene

2015-06-30 11:06:17来源: 新浪

今日,久游网(9you)宣布:2015音舞网游瑰丽之作《劲舞团3》首次删档封测已正式落下帷幕!感谢各位劲舞新老玩家在首测期间对游戏的关注与支持,让我们二测再见、再约! 6月19日,万众期待的《劲舞团3》正式拉开国服首测!14点整正式开服后,便瞬时涌入大批玩家!热情高涨的首批测试用户还...

, long swim the net (9you) announced: 2015 sound dance magnificent games for the audition 3 "for the first time to delete files in the beta has officially came to the curtain! Thank you for the concern and support of the new and old ladies dance during the game game player in the first test, the two test, let us goodbye again! In June 19th, the long-awaited "Dance Mission 3" officially opened the country's first test service! After the official opening of the service, the instantaneous influx of large numbers of players! Enthusiasm for the first test users also...