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版本新地图 《4399生死狙击》快节奏多变巷战

New version of the map "4399 and death sniper fast-paced changing mode of street fighting

2015-06-29 19:41:53来源: 07073游戏网

在《4399生死狙击》端午节全新版本中,爆破、个人战、枪王之王、死亡竞赛等模式再添新战场——全新地图“中东战地”粽情登场!复杂多变的巷战、快节奏的战斗,在狭小的城市街道一触即发,临机应变便是生存的有力保证! 全新地图“中东战地”几乎可以被看做是“霍顿庄园”的蜕变版本,新增很多连接点,...

in the new version of the" 4399 shooter "Dragon Boat Festival, blasting, personal battle, the king of the double tap, death race to add new battlefield -- a new map" war in the Middle East "love dumplings debut! Complex street fighting, fast-paced combat, in the narrow streets of the city of explosive pronunciation is the powerful guarantee for the survival! The new map of the Middle East War" almost can is considered to be a transformed version of "Horton Manor", added a lot of connection point,...