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国战流程曝光 《征途2动作版》明日首测开启

Process of national war exposure "action 2 version of the journey," tomorrow the first test open

2015-06-29 18:26:59来源: 天极网

《征途2动作版》将于明日开启首次测试,国战作为征途系列最核心的玩法,一直深受玩家们的喜爱。在《征途2动作版》中国战玩法全面升级,将更激烈、更有玩头、更具策略,在自由跨区的支持下,称霸全服、统一全区指日可待,下面就来为大家介绍下国战的详细内容。 1、国战申请 每日国王或元帅可在王城...

"Journey 2 action version of" tomorrow to open the first test, war in the country as the core of journey series play, has been well received by players love. A comprehensive upgrade "action 2 version of the journey," the war games, will be more intense, more fun, more tactical, under the support of free cross, dominate the service, unified the region just around the corner, below to introduce in the war of the details of the whole. 1, the national war to apply for the daily king or marshal can be in Wangcheng...