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重度游戏当道 休闲游戏是否有翻牌机会?

Severe games casual games have the opportunity to flop? Recently, the

2015-06-29 16:28:55来源: 265G

近日,腾讯产业共赢基金执行董事及腾讯投资并购部副总经理李朝晖进行了主题为“重度游戏当道,休闲类游戏是否有翻牌的机会”的演讲,重点谈了目前游戏市场上休闲类游戏的发展前景。 李朝晖演讲干货提炼: O2O热潮来袭,手游行业的热潮也有一点冷淡下来,但是腾讯仍然在坚持投资游戏,投资手游,也希望...

, Tencent collaboration fund executive directors and Tencent investment were the theme of "serious games the M & a department, deputy general manager Li Zhaohui, whether there is a casual game flop opportunities" speech, focusing on the development prospects of the market game on casual games at present. Li Zhaohui speech dry refining: incoming o2o boom, boom in travel industry also has a cool down, but Tencent still adhere to the investment game, investment in the hands of the tour, I hope...

标签: 游戏