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《天涯明月刀》7.1下午2点开服 今日可预捏脸

The horizon moon knife "7.1 afternoon 2 point open service today can be pre pinched face

2015-06-30 12:12:51来源: 178游戏网

178新游讯 昨日(29日),官方发布公告:历时1个多月的不删档测试将于今日(30)下午4点正式结束,届时游戏将关闭所有的大区和服务器。 短暂的关服后,今晚8点首批6组新服开放,供广大玩家进行不限号测试的预先捏脸。7月1日下午2点,《天涯明月刀》“浪迹天涯”不限号测试正式开启。 ...

178 new Youxun yesterday (29), released an official announcement: lasted more than one month test does not delete files will today (30) in the afternoon 4 officially ended, when the game will be closed all the major regions and the server. After the short pass, the first 8 of the first 6 new service open, for the majority of players are not limited to test the number of pre pinched face. In July 1st 2 pm, "Horizon moon knife" "rove all over the world" does not limit the number of test officially opened. ...