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X9 League Day of the Apocalypse is a beautiful girl of the results released

2015-06-29 16:26:14来源: 17173

经过了长达一个月的激烈竞争之后,《梦幻西游2》天科/天启战队美少女赛果,终于在6月24日12:00一锤定音!经过了两个月浴美奋战,数百名MM玩家,在同一个舞台之上,为我们展现其各自不同的风采,在战场上,她们是叱咤风云的女武神,在战场之下,她们同样不输半分娇媚。 【双姝并蒂,天科、天启...

after long after a month of intense competition, "dream swims on the west 2" days / Apocalypse Corps is a beautiful girl of the results, finally in June 24 at 12:00 on the final word. After two months beauty bath fighting, hundreds of mm internationally and on the stage with a, we show the different style, on the battlefield, they are dominated the Valkyrie, under the battlefield. They also don't lose half points flirtatious. [Shu Bingdi, Tenka, apocalypse...