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仙途元神六道资料片 揭开远古传说之谜

XT Yuanshen six data sheet uncover the mystery of the ancient legend

2015-06-29 15:41:15来源: 新浪

万众瞩目的大型仙侠网游《仙途》的2015全新年度资料片终于正式登场! 这个名为“元神六道”的版本,将带来什么样的内容呢?一起来看看,最核心的内容——元神。这不但是《仙途》全新的游戏玩法和修炼体系,也是剧情世界观的再一次拓展。 根据《仙途》宏大的世界观剧情,在众多的仙士中流传,极遥...

the much anticipated large Xian Xia online games "XT" 2015 new annual data sheet finally officially debut! This is known as "god six" version, will bring what kind of content? Have a look, the core content of the soul --. This is not only the "XT" new gameplay and the practice of the system, once again is the world view of the plot development. According to the "XT" Grand View of the world in the fairy story, spread many people, very...