新关注 > 信息聚合 > 360九城打造傲志网络 好莱坞级网游《火瀑》正式..

360九城打造傲志网络 好莱坞级网游《火瀑》正式..

360 cities build Ao Zhi network Hollywood level, the net swims "firefall" officially..

2015-06-29 15:03:34来源: 新浪

360 九城重金打造傲志网络 好莱坞级网游《火瀑》正式亮相 由美国Red 5 Studios耗时七年开发,傲志网络科技有限公司代理运营的好莱坞级硬科幻网游《Firefall》,今日正式确定中文名为《火瀑》。与此同时,傲志网络公布了全新中文官网并发布了全新设计的中文品牌Logo。 ...

360 The9 heavily to build Ao Zhi network Hollywood level, the net swims "firefall" officially unveiled by the American Red 5 studios time-consuming development for seven years, Ao Zhi Network Technology Co., Ltd. agents operating in Hollywood hard science fiction Online Games "firefall" today formally identified the Chinese called the firefall. At the same time, proud of the network announced a new Chinese website and released a new design of the Chinese brand Logo. ...

标签: 网游