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The turret legend "prophets lineup match the

2015-06-29 16:26:14来源: TechWeb

先知作为《刀塔传奇》七月的签到英雄,可能很多玩家还不知道如何搭配阵容,那么小编就给大家推荐一些,希望有所帮助。 阵容组合一: 英雄分析: 死骑:作为一个前排T,他还是满合格的,有盾有肉,大招回血可以让他抗住更多的伤害。 全能骑士:正如他的名字那样,全能骑士真的很全能,他有奶有盾单...

prophet as the turret legend" July sign hero, may a lot of players do not know how to mix the lineup, so Xiaobian will give you recommend some to help. Lineup: analyze the hero: Death Knights: as a front row T, he is still full of qualified, shield has the flesh and blood return strokes can let him withstand more damage. All the Knights: as his name is, the Almighty knight is really powerful, and he has a milk and a shield...