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《魔范学院》子奇回归 后辈苏意疑点重重

Return to the magic fan, "the son of a strange younger Su Yi doubts

2015-06-29 12:39:43来源: 不凡游戏网

《魔范学院》子奇回归 后辈苏意疑点重重 全球首款范冰冰定制明星养成游戏《魔范学院》自上线以来,就受到玩家及业界的广泛关注。而《魔范学院》里的帅气男生子奇自出现以来,就颇受广大女性玩家的追捧,近五成的女性玩家希望子奇可以成为攻略对象,希望可以和他约会、恋爱,最终携手走进婚姻的殿堂。那么...

" magic fan, "the son of a strange regression younger Su Yi doubt many of the world's first fan bingbing custom star develop game" magic school van "since the line, by the internationally and the industry of the widespread concern. And the magic fan, "handsome boys odd subgraphs since, on the popular in hot pursuit of the majority of female players, almost half of the women players want odd subgraphs can become the object of Raiders, hope can and he dating, love, hand in hand into the marriage hall. So...