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少年西游侠义值攻略详解 侠义值怎么算

Young West chivalrous values detailed Raiders chivalrous values to

2015-06-29 11:30:10来源: 4399

在少年西游手游中侠义值目前可以兑换游戏道具,以后还有各种神秘作用。那么侠义值怎么得呢?下面4399小编就将侠义系统以及获得方法介绍给大家! 1、跟其他玩家组队通关组队副本 2、你不使用副本收益的状态下,协助有副本收益的玩家通关多人副本,成功通关后即可获得侠义值 3、每天最多获得侠义...

in juvenile West tour of chivalrous values currently can exchange game props, since there are all kinds of mysterious role. So how chivalrous values? The following 4399 small will introduce the chivalrous system and method of obtaining for everyone! 1, with other players team clearance copy of the team 2, you don't use a copy of the earnings of state, assisted by the replica profit player clearance of more than one copy, after the successful clearance can obtain chivalrous values 3, every day get up to chivalrous...